Dok99 Kegelbahn & Restaurant Rotterdam

Straatweg 99, 3054 AB Rotterdam


Dok 99 is different from other bowling bars as it is fully furnished as in the pre war port of Rotterdam, complete with barrels, boxes, ropes and anchors. That does not mean that the facility itself is old-fashioned: on the contrary. There are several modern bowling alleys that automatically keep the players score. The bowling alleys are well maintained. The use of special bowling shoes is mandatory, but this shoe rental is included when you go bowling at Dok 99. You won't find any old material here.

The restaurant Dok 99

You can also combine an evening of bowling with a nice dinner in their restaurant. You can enjoy a hot stone grill or small barbeque on your dinner table, ideal for party occasions. Be sure to make a reservation in advance. For children's parties there is the so called 'Ketelbinkie bowling'. Especially in the summer it is very nice because you can sit outside in their garden, which has been designed in harbour atmosphere as well. Dok 99 is located at a truly magnificent location at Lake Hillegersberg; it' a pity though that you can't see the lake when you're bowling.

TIP: Disco Bowling

The disco-bowling really makes fun and is not only visited by the youth. At Dok 99 they call it Magic Bowling. Every Friday and Saturday from 10 pm the lights are dimmed and you can dance to the music while you're bowling . Smoke machines and disco lighting effects make the disco atmosphere complete.

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