Media Markt Rotterdam Zentrum

Binnenwegplein 50-52, 3012 KA Rotterdam


Media Markt Rotterdam

Media Markt is one of the most famous electronics chains in the Netherlands. Their shops stand out with a huge range of televisions, white goods, CDs, computers, audio, cameras and more.

Mega-Angebot an Elektronik-Produkte

Like all of the Media Markt stores, the shops of the Media Markt in Rotterdam are huge and come with a wide range of products. You can find everything to do with electronics in the Media Markt stores: televisions, DVD and Bluray players, audio, computers, game consoles, games, music, photos and video, telephones, navigation, washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, vacuum cleaners, small appliances and much more. The electronics at Media Markt Rotterdam are displayed over multiple floors and you can easily spend hours in these stores. Media Markt Rotterdam offer a broad range of Apple products as well. And one of the best things about Media Markt is that they've got late shopping night every night!

Mehere Media Markt Läden in Rotterdam

Media Markt is located in the heart of Rotterdam, but there's also a Media Markt store located at the Alexandrium shopping Mall as well. There's no Media Markt located at the Zuidplein Mall but there you can find the Saturn store, which offers a similar range of products like the Media Markt. Yet there is another Media Markt located in the South at Rotterdam at the Beijerlandselaan near the Feyenoord stadium. This one is slightly smaller than the stores in Rotterdam city centre and the Alexandrium.

Einkaufen in Rotterdam?

Hast Du Lust auf noch mehr Geschäfte, dann folge der kompletten Shoppingtour in Rottterdam! Regnet es? Besuche die Zuidplein Mall oder die Alexandrium Mall!



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