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Feel at home in Rotterdam

Useful information for tourists & locals

Practical Information about Rotterdam

Practical Information about Rotterdam

Here you'll find all kinds of practical information about Rotterdam such as important telephone numbers, the weather, history and basics about money, emergency call and electricity in order to prepare your trip to Rotterdam.

Events and city maps of Rotterdam

You can have a look at our event calendar if you want to know all about the upcoming events and activities. And don't forget to check out the interactive map of Rotterdam to find the best places to visit. And if you're looking for more useful information about Rotterdam you can vist our links page.

Money matters

Information about notes and coins, currency exchange, ATMs and credit cards in the Netherlands.

Event Calendar

Make sure to know what's up in Rotterdam today and check out our Event Calendar!

Travel around in Rotterdam

Travel with public transport, water taxi, bike taxi or regular taxi: you can easily get everywhere!

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Public transport in and around in Rotterdam made easy with the travel chip card.


hotel in rotterdam

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Explore what else Rotterdam has got to offer!


Find out whether you need to bring you umbrella or swimsuit when travelling to Rotterdam.

Tourist Information

Read where you can find tourist information in Rotterdam.


Learn how you can use your electrical appliances in Rotterdam! Sockets, plugs, voltage and more.

Verhage Luggage Storage

Travel light in Rotterdam and drop off your suitcase at Verhage Blijdorp and enjoy the typical Dutch food at their eatery

Emergency Call

All the information you need in case of an emergency.


Learn how Rotterdam has grown into the modern and vibrating city it is today!