Entdecken Sie was Rotterdam sonst noch zu bieten hat!
Rotterdam, like the rest of the Netherlands operates on a 220V/50Hz electrical system. The sockets in the wall require plugs with two narrow cylindrical prongs (also called type F) as you can see at the picture.
You will need a converter if your electrical appliances are not 220V/50Hz, but most computers and charges currently are ready for both 110V and 220V use. It might be useful to check if your equipment can be used on 220V as well before plugging into the socket, because otherwise you might destroy your equipment!
You might an adapter as well to be able to plug into the sockets. You can buy the adapter at almost any airport (including Rotterdam and Amsterdam airports) and in most electronics shops in Rotterdam. When you stay in a hotel you can check with the hotel reception if they've got adapters and/or converters on loan as well.
Reise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, Wassertaxi, Fahrradtaxi oder Taxi: man kann ganz einfach überall hinfahren!
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Werben auf City Guide Rotterdam und einen großen internationalen Kundenkreis erreichen!
Entdecken Sie was Rotterdam sonst noch zu bieten hat!
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