feyenoord stadion de kuip rotterdam

Rotterdam & Sport

Übernachten bei Einheimischen

Bed & Breakfast in Rotterdam Feyenoord


Italian food in Rotterdam

Thera are lot of Italian restaurants in Rotterdam. You can find one on almost every corner of the street, so you do not have to walk far for a pizza or a pasta!

Good Italian restaurants for little money

Most Italian restaurants in Rotterdam are rated very well meaning that the Italian food is of very good quality. One of the most popular Italian restaurants in Rotterdam is Vapiano. At Vapianoyou order your food at an open kitchen where the food is prepared fresh in front of you! The setting is very informal and a the high tables are often shared with others, so it's easy to get to know new people. Other popular Italian restaurants in Rotterdam are O'Pazzo (great pizza's!) and Happy Italy. They serve delicious Italian food in a cozy setting.

Best Italian restaurants in Rotterdam

If you're looking for a more formal setting for a romantic or business lunch or diner you can try Oliva or Lux ​. These restaurants are more a bit expensive, but they belong to the best Italian restaurants in Rotterdam and serve high quality salads, pastas and pizza's! La Pizza is known for their good quality pizzas. Most locals rate them as the best pizzas in Rotterdam!
Do you prefer an American pizza rather than an Italian pizza? In that case you can visit the Pizza Hut in Rotterdam center.

Cherrycake & Chocolate

Romantisches B&B mit vier wunderschön eingerichteten Räumen und einem großartigen Ausblick auf die Maas.

Finde einen Platz zum Schlafen!

Suchen Sie einen Platz in Rotterdam zum schlafen? Rotterdam bietet viele Hotels, von Budget bis Luxus, spezielle Unterkünfte für Gruppen und schöner Bed & Breakfasts!



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Cherrycake & Chocolate

Romantisches B&B mit vier wunderschön eingerichteten Räumen und einem großartigen Ausblick auf die Maas.